We make the best out of waste. Eco-friendly energy for the region!

For over 50 years, the Gemeinschafts-Müll-Verbrennungsanlage Niederrhein (GMVA) has ensured the environmentally friendly treatment of waste and commercial waste that is subject to mandatory disposal. As it converts most of this waste into energy, it is also an important producer of electricity and district heating. Established in 1972 through the conversion of the Concordia Bergbau AG colliery power plant, GMVA is a company with a real Oberhausen tradition. Accordingly, we have close ties to the people and the region.

More about GMVA

Thermal treatment of waste: 700,000 t per year

Environmentally friendly thanks to state-of-the-art flue gas cleaning systems

State-of-the-art system technology and the highest environmental standards

A sought-after partner, also nationwide

Supply of district heating

Savings of up to 25 million litres of heating oil

Electricity from waste

We supply approx. 50% of around 100,000 households in Oberhausen with renewable energy

Efficient and sustainable! Energy production in figures

Energy production / performance overview



Total electricity generation



Electrical grid feed



District heating quantity

Cutting-edge technology:efficient andenvironmentally friendly


Committed to people, the environment and the future:We turn waste into clean energy

Our commitment

Think progressively, act sustainably: plan your professional future with us!

To the job offers

Form your own picture!On a guided tour of the GMVA.

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