Responsibility for the environment, people and the future
Social and regional commitment are just as much a part of GMVA’s self-image as our commitment to the well-being of our employees, our focus on environmental protection and the continuous optimization of plant technology.
Strict legal regulations on emissions – We are even stricter.
Like all waste incineration plants, GMVA is subject to the 17th Ordinance to the Federal Immission Control Act. This stipulates extremely low limit values for flue gases in order to protect the environment. However, we understand responsibility to mean more than just complying with legal requirements. That is why GMVA’s plant operation is so consistently geared towards efficiency, safety and environmental compatibility that all prescribed limits are clearly undercut. Continuous optimization of the technology to keep it up to date and appropriate training and further training of employees ensure that this remains the case.

Waste incineration for the environment: Our contribution to sustainability
Reducing pollutant emissions to an absolute minimum is just one of many aspects that demonstrate GMVA’s commitment to the environment. After all, the strictly controlled, clean incineration of waste subject to mandatory disposal is itself a valuable contribution to greater sustainability – because it conserves valuable natural resources twice over: The energy obtained from thermal recycling saves primary raw materials such as coal, natural gas and oil. The slag produced during incineration is used as a building material in road construction.
Thermal treatment: far more climate-friendly than expected.
Thermal treatment: far more climate-friendly than expected.
Thermal recycling makes a lasting contribution to improving the climate by reducing CO2. You don’t have to believe this, it can be explained and proven: While fossil fuels are 100% climate-relevant, waste contains up to 70% renewable raw materials – for example wood or organic waste from households. These raw materials have stored CO2 during their production or growth phase. Therefore, they do not have an additional impact on the climate when they are burned.
30 times more environmentally
friendly than landfilling
However, thermal recycling is also far more environmentally friendly than landfilling waste. This is because methane gases are produced during storage, which are 30 times more harmful to the climate than the CO2 released during incineration. This is one of the main reasons why the landfilling of untreated organic waste has been prohibited by law since 2005.
We generate more electricity
than 82 wind turbines
Around 50% of GMVA’s total waste mix consists of biogenic material. GMVA receives guarantees of origin in accordance with the EEG for this proportion. Converted to our total annual electricity generation of 330,000 MWh, this 50% electricity supply from renewable fuels means 165,000 MWh of energy from renewable sources. A comparison makes this even clearer: a modern wind turbine on the coast generates around 2,000 MWh with an output of 1 MW and 2,000 full-load hours. The GMVA therefore produces roughly as much electricity as 82.5 wind turbines (165,000 MWh: 2,000 MWh = 82.5). However, the GMVA also produces energy when the wind is not blowing.

Award-winning waste treatment: Certified and sealed
Qualitäts- und Umweltgutachter GmbH has certified GMVA as a specialist waste management company. This certifies that all requirements necessary for the treatment, recycling and disposal of waste are met. This is not only important to us, but also to our customers. Because it gives them the certain confirmation that they have a reliable and competent partner at their side with GMVA.
We care for the people of the region
As a waste incineration plant and regional energy supplier, we certainly already make an important contribution to society. But we feel much more connected and committed to the people of Oberhausen. This is not only reflected in the numerous small and large projects with which we are socially and regionally involved. Rather, we not only attach particular importance to getting involved in society, but also to listening. That is why we always have an open ear for citizens’ concerns. Of course, a waste incineration plant is not like any other neighbor. This makes it all the more important to face up to the responsibility this entails and to play your role as a social player – in a committed, transparent and informative manner. Our membership of the Lirich interest group is just one of many examples of this.

Our commitment is about more than just waste
Commitment to children's hospice services
We have been involved with the two children’s and youth hospice services Möwennest (Oberhausen) and Malteser Kinder- & Jugendhospizdienst St. Raphael (Duisburg) for several years now. Children’s hospices are an invaluable support for families who are faced with the challenges of life-limiting illnesses in their children. They offer not only medical care, but also emotional support, holistic care and comfort in difficult times.
Through our regular fundraising activities at various campaigns and events throughout the year, we help to ensure that these facilities can continue their important work and offer hope and help to the families affected. For the first time in 2024, we have also launched a Children’s Hospice Family Day, where we want to give affected families and children’s hospice staff time and attention. Families can enjoy a few carefree hours here with a colorful supporting program and delicious food.

Action-Guide of the city of Oberhausen
The Action Guide is a cultural education concept of the youth welfare office of the city of Oberhausen, which we have been very happy to support for many years. Among other things, we make our seminar room available free of charge for a photography course: During the summer vacations, up to ten children are invited to join in the digital photo magic and spend exciting hours in our creative photo workshop. A visit to the waste incineration plant is of course also part of the program. More at www.action-guide-oberhausen.de

We explain in detail on these pages that environmental protection and waste incineration go together and prove it every day – for example, by falling below all legally prescribed emission limits. But we also care about the environment beyond our own profession.
Peregrine falcon conservation project
Every year, a pair of peregrine falcons take up residence on one of the chimneys at GMVA. What began as a nice anecdote has now developed into a veritable species conservation project. Together with the Biological Station Ruhrgebiet e. V., we look after the young of our feathered part-time tenants. A pair of peregrine falcons with offspring are currently nesting in the chimney of the GMVA.
Out of the blue – how it all began
In March 2016, a pair of peregrine falcons chose the 130-metre-high chimney of the GMVA as a breeding ground for their offspring. The clutch consisted of a total of three eggs. A healthy young falcon hatched from one of them in April. As the peregrine falcon population is under strict species protection, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) documents every offspring of this endangered bird species. On May 3, 2016, our young guest was also weighed and ringed.

Here you can see the clutch. The eggs are laid on the hard stone without a nest.

The male juvenile – approx. 3 weeks after hatching – being professionally measured and ringed by the Nature Conservation Association. The weight: 458 gr.
As a company with regional roots, it goes without saying that we are also involved in cultural and educational matters.
Carnival society "Die Müllschlucker"
The Liricher KG “Die Müllschlucker” e. V. was founded at the same time as the GMVA went into operation in 1972.
Because tradition unites, we support the preparation and organization of the Prunksitzung as well as the youth work of the KG dance guard,
by providing training rooms free of charge. More about the KG at www.lkg-diemuellschlucker.de

Jugend-Club-Courage e.V.
Jugend-Club-Courage e.V. moved into the GMVA building (Liricher Straße 123) in mid-2024 and plans to offer open youth work and social support for residents of the Lirich district in the future. This is being developed together with the neighborhood. Joint projects with GMVA Niederrhein GmbH are being planned.